Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Self-Employment Myths...

It's funny what a dose of reality can do to our dreams and ambitions of running our own business. I didn't really understand what I was getting into when I started my little side business over 5 years ago. But learning and embracing reality is a part of the adventure as you learn to effectively carry out your dreams as a self-employed artist.

I have enjoyed Michael Gerber's "E-Myth" and encourage you to take a look at this article--The Self-Employment Myth.

More often than not, when aspiring photographers ask me for a piece of advice regarding getting into the business, the first thing that comes to mind is "Don't...unless you are willing to work your butt off, and make huge sacrifices--like no weekends to yourself, missing out on your friends' and families historic moments like weddings and reunions, being 'on-call' 24/7, unpredictable income, and a job that you don't ever leave; or like Dave Ramsey says: "Living like no one else today, so you can live like no one else tomorrow."

On the up side, the hard work pays off! The moments when teary-eyed mothers, and ecstatic brides cannot put into words the joy and gratitude they have because of the visual story you created are so rewarding. Or the times when loved ones pass, but their memory is captured forever in your work, or the days you can turn your attention to care for someone more important than the work at hand, are days that the privilege of being a photographer overwhelm me. Or the people I get to meet and the places I've seen, the experiences I've documented--it's priceless and worth every ounce of energy.

Monday, June 15, 2009

A Wild Wedding

I am a huge fan of Kevin Kubota (one of the top 10 wedding photographers in 2007) ever since he took me under his wing for a week two years ago as I had the opportunity to work under him for a week in Bend, Oregon. Needless to say, I follow his blog, and just had to share this slideshow with you of one of his recent weddings. You'll see from the photos how unique, creative, and fun this couple was--definitely a photographer's dream couple. Check it out here

Friday, June 12, 2009

Gearing up

Well, we're up getting ready for another double header weekend--that is, 2 weddings in one weekend. I so love being an artist, and want to share with you an excerpt from this morning's journal entry. "'Having gifts (faculties, talents, qualities) that differ according to the grace given us, let us use them.' (Romans 12:6) It's so refreshing to remember where our creativity and talent comes from, to be able to place my gifts in the loving hands of Father God and just enjoy the day."

Monday, June 1, 2009

Just for Fun...

I had a bit of a change of pace a few weeks ago and got to work in the Ottertail, Battle Lake area. These images are of my friends', Liz and Sparky, beautiful resort on Ethel Beach. A fabulous vacation spot, if you are looking for one!



