Tuesday, March 24, 2009


we have MOVED our MOSAIC PHOTOGRAPHY BLOG TO A NEW SITE: http://mosaicphotography.net/blog/


Unexpected Inspiration

So, Scott and I were doing our typical chill-at-a-coffee-shop-with-a-book-and-laptop, when we noticed a guy with a video camera and a USAtoday badge. Unabashed, I approached him and asked if he was a photographer and/or videographer. Turns out, he's a journalist here in Fargo covering the flood for USAtoday. Crazy! (Little old me, gets a bit star stuck upon meeting established photographers.) Anyhow, we enjoyed our coffee checked out each other's sites and exchanged some comments. Go ahead and "meet" Garret Hubbard by visiting his website and blog. Inspiration is always around the corner--you just gotta keep your eyes open! (Thanks honey, for being my eyes in this case).

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Small is Big

Several books that have resonated with me in the last couple months both have similar themes: small actions make a huge difference.

These are great reads that impress how my everyday, seemingly small choices, make a great impact.

If you haven't done yourself the favor of reading a good book lately, you might want to check one of these out!

Small Is the New Big: and 183 Other Riffs, Rants, and Remarkable Business Ideas

Small Is the New Big: and 183 Other Riffs, Rants, and Remarkable Business Ideas

by Seth Godin
Butterfly in Brazil: How Your Life Can Make a World of Difference

The 7 Minute Difference: Small Steps to Big Changes

The 7 Minute Difference: Small Steps to Big Changes (Paperback)

by Allyson Lewis (Author)

How Your Life Can Make a World of Difference

by Glenn Packiam (Author)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Want to Learn About Photography?

Yes, I love photography! Yes, I love hands on learning! Yes I love exchanging ideas! Yes, I hate reading my camera manual!

If you are anything like me, you may agree with the above statements. And if so, I am excited to announce Mosaic Spring Workshops 09!

Space will be limited to 12 participants and include one fun weekend of conquering your camera and thinking creatively. If you are an amateur photographer or even a beginner, I invite you to spend some time with like-minded creative individuals where we can learn, ask questions, and take photos together. The workshop fee will cover this fun learning experience, class materials, and some food for the weekend. All you need to bring is an appetite for photography, a little enthusiasm, and your digital SLR.

Stay tuned for more details! And feel free to email me if you want to hop on our class list! (alyssaflaten@mosaicphotography.net)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Name Trends

This is very random but have any of you noticed a trend in the names of your brides and grooms, or the children, or the seniors you photograph? Every year I have had multiple brides or grooms with the same names...in 2007 it was Carrie/Kari and Ashley. In 2008 it was Ashley and Rebekah. 2009 is Amy, Nathan, and Brittany... there must be some sort of statistics out there... Perhaps I should give a bonus gift to the couple with the most unique names? hmm....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tax-Time & Words to Live By

So it's tax season, and I just sent off all the business taxes to the IRS and State. Wow! does that feel good! I know it's weird to be excited about surrendering to "the Man" all your hard earned cash, but to complete a business year and be able to see how much growth has occurred in the span of one year feels monumental, like finishing a marathon. Maybe my "time" wasn't as good as I hoped, or the weather what I had imagined, or the run as smooth as anticipated, but I finished! I completed the "race."

As I have been reviewing numbers, it's incredible to see where all the money goes. Generosity and integrity are at the top of my list when it comes to the numbers. So paying taxes isn't that fun when you look at it from a negative viewpoint, but when I consider that I could be living in any of the many countries I have visited, I am glad to pay my taxes and be a U.S. citizen.

Besides, you reap what you sow. Or if you'd rather use the term "karma" that's fine with me. If you plant corn you get corn. So I choose carefully where to "plant" my money to harvest the crop of choice.

If you're digging the whole financial thing, or wanting to learn more about managing your finances I highly recommend Dave Ramsey's books and podcasts. His philosophies have changed my life!

And I leave you with these words to live by: "The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed." Proverbs 11:25

Monday, March 9, 2009


Friends are the best! Have I mentioned before that people inspire me? The other night, Scott and I met with some friends of ours for a brainstorm session, and it was fabulous. I love fresh perspectives and find this so vital to life and business!

Check out the businesses linked to these creative souls: Song Three Four, Inspire Wellness, and Creative Elements Construction.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Results of my Creativity Intervention

So, sometimes I forget to relax, I confess. And that's really such a loss because when I take care of myself I am more productive, creative, and inspired! For some reason that is hard for my brain to comprehend. Anyhow, so the other day, I tried something a little different when I reached a moment of feeling overwhelmed--"A Creativity Intervention." I stopped, walked away and grabbed the camera, and my dog, Ferg. I put 10 minutes on the clock, got a little fresh air, and set a couple "rules" for myself:
1. 10 minutes, no more no less.
2. could only shoot on manual setting and JPG format--nailing exposure is important.
3. have fun!

Here's what I came up with...Enjoy!

Seriously, how could you not be inspired by the mighty Fergie Beast!

Just some friendly neighbor dogs...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Creativity Challenge

After several hours of emailing, returning calls, and reviewing my upcoming schedule, I found myself staring at a stack of invoices and receipts begging to be entered into my accounting software. Ick! This calls for a creativity intervention! I am going to take my camera and one lens and set the timer to 10 minutes and see what I can capture. This should be interesting... I'll be back later to share what I came up with!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Sweet Deal from Dane Sanders

So, I wanted to pass this sweet deal on to you...I am a big fan of Dane Sanders. He has great insight for inspiring photographers!


February 27, 2009

I was thinking tonight about all my friends who didn't get to go to WPPI and how it isn't fair that folks who go get all the deals.

So, for those who'd like a hook-up whether you went or not, do this:


2) Enter "wppiaudiolove" in the promo code at check out

3) Get 20% off the Audiobook, a FREE pDNA and a FREE eBook on me!

Love you guys...

Dane Sanders